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ToughPower Grand, ToughPower XT, and TR2 Power Supplies

ToughPower is here to stay. Just not the previous models as we know them. The less efficient PSUs are phasing out as the two newest big boys join the game. TT realized that to compete with the best, you have to offer an 80 Plus Certified power supply. Expect all the series to offer this efficiency with the GrandPower heading up the pack with efficiencies reaching 90% making it a Gold Certified PSU.

Here, you can see the two Modular designed PSUs side by side. The XT (as well as the TR2) sports a regular chassis which will be the more affordable option. But, the Grand brings a new, “high speed” sturdy looking chassis. Even the new badge is a tad sexy for the PSU. We’re jazzed to see just how efficient the Grand will be.

Thermaltake eSports

Thermaltake is now officially in the game! This includes the Black Gaming Mouse, Challenger and Challenger Pro Gaming Keyboards, and the Shock and Shock One Gaming Headsets.

The Black Gaming Mouse is a 4000 DPI with a Philips laser engine. It comes with weights for coordinative tuning and offers 6 programmable buttons including on-the-fly DPI adjustments. It’s a down right sexy, black with red TT and wheel gaming mouse.

Both the Challenger and Challenger Pro Keyboards were being used on the test systems handling the USB 3.0 challenge. One has controllable back lighting while the other offers 4 levels. And, there was a cute little “cooling fan” that plugs in to the powered ports on the keyboards. If you get hot while whoopin a$$, just plug one or two in the keyboard.

Here is the break down difference in features between the Challenger Keyboards and Shock Headsets. Unfortunately, we didn’t see or get to sample the headset. But, we will. Oh yes, we will!

If you didn’t check out the rest of our CES 2010 coverage make sure you poke around in our CES Article Category. Don’t forget to take a stroll over to our YouTube Channel as well for some exclusive video clips. More pictures available on the next page.

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