The movement has always been from something analog to something digital. Practically everybody, save for a few retro purists, have abandoned traditional film cameras in favor of digital cameras. Some people have even gotten rid of their point-and-shoot cameras altogether and rely simply on their smartphones to take all their pictures. And who can blame them? Digital is so much more convenient and offers copious amounts of storage. The same thing has happened with music.

Of course, it’s not just about this mass migration to digital for just about everything that we consume these days. It’s not enough just to be digital; it needs to be online too. The challenge for content creators big and small is to make this digital content as accessible as possible to online audiences.

Enter the PC “Plus” Era

When you’ve got a high-end gaming PC as your primary rig, you probably don’t have too many worries in terms of playing those live streams and enjoying all that content the way it was meant to be enjoyed. You have no trouble hopping on and relying on the cloud to get at your own files, including those from your own personal cloud. But this isn’t the case for everyone and in every situation.

You’ve likely noticed that while we might still have a more powerful laptop or desktop, we use comparatively less powerful devices far more often. We interact with our smartphones and tablets on a more frequent basis. To this end, content creators need to make their content easy to get on these mobile devices.

Saying Farewell to Flash

So, what does all of this have to do with HTML5 and the state of the Internet in 2016? A few things come to mind. First, Flash is a resource-heavy platform that isn’t compatible with all devices and all platforms. This is why even Adobe itself is encouraging developers use HTML5 instead to create their web applications.

This is true for the variety of web apps you might use, like social media management tools or even online image editing tools, as well as the ability to create and read an immersive flip book from the comfort of your web browser. And yes, that includes the mobile web browser on your phone or tablet too. HTML5 can do that. You can take the experience of a paper flip book or the experience of flipping through a physical magazine and migrate it to a digital platform that is even further enhanced thanks to the tools of HTML5 and the Internet.

The Rise of HTML5 Web Apps

Many people might tell you that apps are the name of the game. They’re convenient and with practically everyone on either iOS or Android, you’ve got your bases covered, right? However, there are several compelling arguments against native apps that push in favor of HTML5 web apps instead. This way, they can still work on a computer (or other operating systems) without any extra work on your end.

Realistically, the push in 2016 and beyond is likely the increased adoption of HTML5 for almost everything. Even if a developer creates a native app for iOS or Android to tap into that audience, the native app could simply be a portal to the HTML5 web app. The end user won’t even really know the difference.

From digital magazines to all sort of other creative creations, the Internet is packed with opportunities for content creators and content consumers alike. It’s a good time to be online.



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