I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers/viewers happy holidays and hope you have a safe and joyous New Years Celebration soon after. As the Editor in Chief, it has been my pleasure bringing you the stuff for people who like computers this year. 2011 has been such a crazy year with big changes and more exciting things to come in 2012.
There have been many things accomplished this year that ensure the future of Futurelooks. It will allow us to continue to give you all more cool ways to feed that passion for computers and all things related to it. For starters, we’ve redesigned the site just recently to show off more of the great reviews, articles, and show coverage that we’re known for. This has been a long time coming and now we’ve finally got a place that truly emphasizes all the hard work that the staff puts into creating informative and entertaining content for computer lovers of all levels. (Thanks Josh!)
We’ve also made a huge leap in adding quality video content to Futurelooks. We’ve been spending a lot of time beating ourselves up to be better on camera and bring you more exciting and interactive coverage at some of the coolest shows on the planet. From PAX to COMPUTEX (and very soon CES), Futurelooks will be your enthusiastic eyes and ears, asking the questions you want answered about the stuff you care about. Expect to see both the quality and quantity of our videos on YouTube to continue to increase based on your feedback. It hasn’t been an easy road, but with close to 5000 of you folks (and growing) telling us how much you love us through your subscriptions and comments, we’re going to keep pushing to turn it into a channel that you’ll be glued to every week. (Thanks for the hard work Corbin, Eric and Michael!)
With the explosive growth of Social Media, we’ve also gone out and found new ways to find and interact with more folks like you. We’re so fortunate to have over 16,975 folks on Twitter and 3,441 more on Facebook, interested in the content we create. We’re even on Google+ now.
So from the whole Futurelooks Editorial Team (Eric, Michael, Corbin, James, Spencer) and myself, thank you for all your support in 2011! Celebrate hard, drink responsibly, enjoy the cool computer stuff you got under the tree (make sure you unbox and tell us about it in your video and photos), and we’ll be seeing you again with more great content as soon as the calendar rolls into 2012.