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First of all, on behalf of Sapphire USA, NCIX PC and the team at Futurelooks, thank you to all our fans for entering this amazing contest that we started on December 14th, 2012! As a result of your enthusiasm, we managed to grab over 1824 entries in less than a month. That’s why Futurelooks fans totally rule and you can be sure that we’ll be able to run more contests in the future because it’s clear you love free stuff and you love winning it from us!

Now the time has come to announce our winner. And the winner is…

Ben Quan

Congratulations! Ben shared this contest with his Facebook friends and through the power of Random.org, we plucked his lucky entry #100 from the depths of contest pool. What that means is that Ben, you’ve won this amazing Sapphire HD3 Mini PC system worth $399 US! You now have 48 hrs to get back to us so we can get your details and ship out your prize!

In the event that Ben does not claim his prize, a new winner will be chosen after 48 hrs. However, because Futurelooks fans are a bunch of stand up folks, I know that we’ll all do everything we can to make sure Ben gets his prize.

Again, on behalf of Sapphire USA, NCIX PC and Futurelooks, thanks again for the excellent response to this contest. But don’t go too far though!

Our tradition of giving away swag from big trade shows continues as we work on our CES 2013 Swag Giveaway which will be coming up really soon. We picked up some great stuff this year so this is one you won’t want to miss. In the meantime, make sure you check out all our exclusive CES 2013 Video Coverage in glorious HD!